Monday, August 15, 2011

Bulleted Thoughts About Our Wedding

Our wedding is barely a week and a half behind us, yet it seems to be receding rapidly from view. Life returns to normal so quickly, which is startling and relieving all at once.  On the drive home from our short, blissful honeymoon, we stopped at a rest stop for McDonald's and joked that the honeymoon had officially ended. That evening at home, we had our first spat since before the wedding, and it was confirmed.

However, it does seem to me that wedding and the honeymoon have injected a bit of spice into our relationship. Of course, I think that no longer spending all of our waking hours planning the wedding helps, too.

A few snippets before I dive into more comprehensive posts. These are things no one told me (or everyone told me, but I didn't believe) before the wedding:
  • We were buzzed for about 5 days straight. Beginning with the rehearsal dinner, through the wedding day prep and reception, and until the visit to the winery on the last day of our honeymoon, we drank. More than either of us is ever really inclined to. There seemed always to be a bottle of champagne, a nip of vodka, or a seaside beer to enjoy during and after our wedding. By the time we were home again, we thought we were done drinking forever. And then we went to the beer garden on Saturday, and all was well.
  • It was big. The wedding was huge. I didn't think I'd be overwhelmed by my wedding, but... everyone else was right. It was ginormous, and much bigger than just E and I.
  • People will surprise you. I had a lot of family drama and felt like many of my friends and family members were wedding'ed out before our wedding, and like they weren't invested in us. But they were. And when they answered our community vow with a resounding, "We do!" during the ceremony, I let any lingering doubts about their investment melt away, and had a blast at the explosion of joy that was our reception.
  • Things will go wrong; Or, they won't. We didn't really have anything go wrong at our wedding. I was steeling myself for some calamity, and tried to tell myself that everything would be fine despite any major or minor catastrophes. And then, all was well. I have a lot of thoughts about why we were so lucky, but I think a lot of it was just because we trusted our vendors and we had really great people helping us out in advance.
  • It will recede, and quickly. As we got into our cab back to the hotel after the wedding, I thought about all the people who said, "It goes by so quickly! Savor it!" and felt like they had been wrong, like I had been able to be present in every moment and it had stretched out just the right amount of time. I still feel that I did a good job being present, but I also feel like it is merely a bright flash in my memory, even thought only a week and a few days have passed. Now, it feels like it went by very quickly, like a blur in my memory. 
    Photo by my sister as we entered the reception.
    Blurry due to incorrect camera settings, but fitting for this post.

Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Oh, hey.

I have a blog. Which I stopped writing in due to the upheaval of finishing school, writing my thesis, starting my very first grown up job, and planning (and having!) a wedding.  It's been a very busy 8 months, but with the wedding done and life finally settling back into normalcy, I feel like my thoughts are my own again, my life isn't on public display to be critiqued and picked apart by everyone I know, and therefore I might as well start blogging again.

I tried wedding blogging, but wedding planning was a very difficult process for E and I, and it was hard to contain that process in sweet little succinct blog posts.  Now that the planning is done, I can reflect on what we've learned and encapsulate it better for public consumption. So, for a little while, this will be like a wedding blog, with some regular life thrown in. But that will only be temporary, and then the flowers and organza will subside on this blog as they did in real life.